Glycemic Index – High Glycemic Index foods Linked To Obesity and Diabetes.

Glycemic Index

(High Glycemic Index Foods Linked To Obesity and Diabetes)


Glycemic Index is useful to manage your food consumption, will help you lose weight and can help prevent many chronic diseases. 

There is increasing proof to support a connection between High Glycemic Index foods, non-insulin dependent diabetes,  obesity and many other health conditions such as: Heart Disease, Cancer, Hypertension and many other Chronic Illnesses.

What is the Glycemic Index?

Glycemic index measures the rate at which you digest your food turning it into glucose (sugar) and raising the level of  sugar in your blood.   

The Glycemic index is very useful when evaluating carbohydrates (grains, breads, pasta, sweets), which when digested are converted into glucose and enter the bloodstream very quickly. 

What is the Problem with High Glycemic Index Foods?

High Glycemic Index foods cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels and in turn an over production of insulin or Hyperinsulinemia. You may know of this rapid rise in blood sugar as a “SUGAR HIGH”.  This is followed by an over production of insulin which removes the sugar from the blood and the result is a  “SUGAR LOW”. 

 It is believed that these wide fluctuations in blood sugar levels promote over-eating, mood changes, increased LDL cholesterol, decreased HDL, hypertension, hyperuricemia, hypertriglyceridemia and obesity.  This collection of  symptoms  is sometimes known as “SYNDROME X “.  

Glycemic Index, Obesity and Weight Loss.

In one study, voluntary calorie intake increased 53% after a moderately high Glycemic Index meal, 81%  after a High Glycemic meal as compared to a low Glycemic index meal.  In was concluded that High Glycemic Index Foods are linked to overeating and Obesity. 

In fact many of today’s most popular diets attribute the rise in obesity to over consumption of high Glycemic Index foods, and the resulting over production of insulin. While it is more complex than many would admit, the evidence is growing to support a strong connection between the Glycemic Index of food and Obesity.  

These facts have made low carbohydrate diets very popular. They do work, but it is not all carbohydrates that are the problem.  Resent research demonstrates that Low Glycemic Index foods such as most fruits and vegetable do not increase obesity rates and add important vitamins, mineral, antioxidants and many other elements which we are just beginning to  understand. 

Glycemic Index and Chronic Disease.

It has been shown in numerous studies that once a typical North American diet is adapted that the incidence of chronic disease increases.  High Glycemic index foods are one of the major facts which is common when it comes to chronic disease. Heart Disease being the number one killer in North America.

The argument goes that as humans our bodily processes are adapted to that of  hunter gathers.  Modern agriculture and processing has totally changed the make up of food and our bodies have not had time to adjust.  The result is chronic disease.

Making Better Dietary Choices

Choose foods with a low Glycemic index especially carbohydrates. Generally, these carbohydrates will be higher in fiber (and nutrients) and will be absorbed more slowly.  This provides a better sense of fullness and an even level of energy, without widely fluctuating insulin levels.

Choose low fat proteins, limit saturated fats (butter, other animal fats), eat fish or supplement with omega 3 fatty acids (fish oil) and stick to mono-unsaturated fats such as OLIVE and CANOLA oil to decrease the risk of  heart disease. 

Things you Can Do.

1) Choose a dietary program which promotes the consumption of low Glycemic Index foods. One I would suggest is The G.I. (Glycemic Index) Diet  – by Rick Gallop

2) Choose a good vitamin supplement to fight free radical and the aging process.  For many people a good supplement program can increase energy thus burning more calories and promoting weight lose. (seeChoosing the Best Antioxidant Multivitamin)

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Suggest Reading

Glycemic index is a important tool to help people loss weight and prevent obesity. Consuming Low Glycemic index foods will increase your weight loss and improve your health. 

The G.I. (Glycemic Index) Diet - by Rick Gallop

The G I Diet (Glycemic Index) Diet – Review

“An inspired, realistic, uncomplicated, long-term approach to successful weight management…A simple guide to food choices, both at home and away, with easy to remember images, practical tips, tasty recipes and strategies for feedback and self-monitoring.” by Michael Sole, M.D., former Chief of Cardiology, Toronto Hospital
Click Here for more information or to purchase the G I Diet from

The G.I. Diet – Easy, designed to work for permanent weight loss

The G.I. (Glycemic Index) Diet - by Rick Gallop

The G I Diet, uses the principles of the  Glycemic Index to develop a comprehensive easy to follow diet plan. The easy to follow advise allows the reader to develop a healthy lifestyle for permanent weight loss. 

Click Here 

for more information or to purchase the G I Diet from


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Understanding the Glycemic Index

Other Resources for Glycemic Index Info

Glycemic Index – The Index in Depth

What is the Glycemic Index and Is It a Helpful Tool?