G.I. Diet – Easy, designed to work for Permanent weight loss

The G.I. Diet – Easy, designed to work for permanent weight loss

G.I. Diet:, At last a diet that is a practical, simple, healthy, long-term approach to dieting and weight management. For the last couple of years I have incorporated the principles of the Glycemic Index into my daily food choices, by eliminating  High Glycemic Index foods from my diet. This has been a useful tool to help control my weight as well as maintain a consistent energy level. While I am using the principles of the Glycemic Index in my food choices, it has no structure and is not a  complete approach to long-term permanent weight loss. The G.I Diet is a complete diet program with practical tips, recipes, exercise plans, an eat out guide and a food list.

The G I Diet – by Rick Gallop caught my eye in one of my regular trips through our local book store. Flipping through the pages, I liked what I was reading so I purchased the book. 

The Science behind the G.I. Diet is sound. The G.I. or Glycemic Index is a measure of the speed at which the body breaks down carbohydrates and converts them to glucose and transferred to the blood. The higher the Glycemic Index value the faster carbohydrates are digested. For more info on the Glycemic Index go to Understanding the Glycemic Index

The theory goes, that foods with a low or lower Glycemic Index release sugars (glucose) slowly into the blood thus supplying a steady release of energy keeping you satisfied and feeling full longer. 

The more I read the more I liked the book. While there are other Glycemic Index Diets on the market, each has come up short in one or more areas which will allow for long-term success. The G.I. Diet excels in 3 critical area.

1) Easy to Understand – It may be that Rick Gallop is not a Doctor, that allowed him to write a easy to read and understand book. The book is well organized with a step-by-step approach to understanding the principles of the diet and relationship between Fats (Good and Bad), Carbohydrates and Protein. Despite not being a Doctor this book is backed up by sound science and is recommended by doctors for its practical approach to weight loss. In fact, the diet is based on the USDA food Pyramid with one adjustment. It inverted the Grains, Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta for the Vegetables and Fruits. Instead of Grains being the dominant carbohydrates in the daily diet it is replaced with Fruits and Vegetables.

2) Easy to Follow & Maintain – Rick from the on set of writing The G.I. Diet, realized for people over weight,  to be successful long-term, permanent weight loss is a 2 stag process. Stage 1 The initial weight loss and stage 2 weight maintenance. Included in the G.I. Diet is a list of foods broken down into 3 categories.  Red for High Glycemic index foods that are to be avoided. Yellow which are moderate on the Glycemic index and are to be restricted. Green are the foods which are the staples of the diet. 

3) Economical – From both a time and money stand point the G.I. diet gets high marks. Foods allowed in both phases of the G.I. Diet require little or no preparation. Recommended foods are your every day foods that are available at your local grocery store a economical prices. 

The G.I. Diet goes on to explain that exercise in not needed to lose weight, but is important for optimum health and faster weight loss. Exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis and many other age related chronic diseases.

A brief section on Supplements is also included. Based on current knowledge, he suggests a good multivitamin and to consider additional supplements of Vitamin E and Fish Oil.

The G I Diet, uses the principles of the  Glycemic Index to develop a comprehensive easy to follow diet plan. The easy to follow advice allows the reader to develop a healthy lifestyle for permanent weight loss. 

The G.I. Diet - by Rick Gallop, The Easy Healthy Way to permanent weight Loss.

The G I Diet Review

“An inspired, realistic, uncomplicated, long-term approach to successful weight management…A simple guide to food choices, both at home and away, with easy to remember images, practical tips, tasty recipes and strategies for feedback and self-monitoring.” by Michael Sole, M.D., former Chief of Cardiology, Toronto Hospital
Click Here for more information or to purchase the G I Diet – by Rick Gallop 

Diet Tip: To maintain your energy, your metabolism and keep your immune system operating at peak levels it is recommended you take a good Multivitamin. 


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The G.I. Diet – by Rick Gallop, The Easy  Healthy Way to  permanent weight Loss.

The G.I. Diet - by Rick Gallop, The Easy Healthy Way to permanent weight Loss.

Use The Proven Science behind The Glycemic index to

Lose weight without Hunger

Increase Energy

Lower your risk of heart diseases, stroke and Diabetes.

Diets & Diet Programs

Dr. Atkins Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Caveman Diet / Paleolithic Diet

Cleansing Diets / Detoxifying Diets

Colon Cleansing  

Diet Food and Nutrition Tips

Diets & Diet Programs

Hollywood 48 Hour Miracle Diet

G. I.  Diet

Liquid Fasting Cleansing Diet  

Low Carb Cooking 

Living Well Program

Low Carb Diets

Nutrisystem Weight Management Program

Mediterranean Diet  

The South Beach Diet

Turn Off The Hunger Switch

Weight-loss and Diet Myths

Why most diets don’t work

The Zone diet

Other Resources for Glycemic Index Info

Glycemic Index – The Index in Depth

What is the Glycemic Index and Is It a Helpful Tool?

Health Supplements


Alpha Lipoic Acid

Antioxidant Multivitamin

Best Multivitamin






Natural Vitamin E
