Colon Cleansing

If you are constipated or just feeling blah, consider trying a colon cleansing. 

Intensive Three Day Colon CleanseAlso see General Colon Cleanse below.

Abstain from soft drinks, coffee, candy, and dairy products. 

Needed for Program.

1) A Quality Probiotic (Click Here for information

2) A Good Bulk Laxative (I.e. Twin LabsColon Careicon) Any good Bulk Laxative will work but I have found Colon Careiconto be good value as it also includes Probiotics. (see bottom of page for more detail)

To begin the program take a quality probiotic the night before  (at least four capsules) and a fiber supplement or Colon Careicon(serving size as directed on label).  Note: If you are usingColon Careiconyou will not need to take a probiotic.

Drink eight to ten glasses of water every day, as well as fruit and vegetable juices.  If you can drink more, do so.  Water is your best cleansing agent.

Day 1

Take Colon Careiconimage in the morning, 1/2 hour before lunch, and again 1/2 hour before dinner.  Eat only fruit in the morning, at least 2 servings.  Have a light lunch (example: 1/2 vegetarian sub and a clear both soup) and takeColon Careiconwith pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before.  Drink pure fruit juice or vegetable juice between meals, sip and do not drink more than 6 ounces per hour.  Don’t forget to drink your 8 to 10 glasses of water.  Eat your normal supper but have at least 2 servings of vegetables and takeColon Careiconwith pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before. (remember to eat sensibly)  As a snack at least  2 hours before retiring you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing.  

Diet Tip: 

Sipping on pure juice will help to stabilize your blood sugar and control your hunger.  Do not drink more than 6 ounces per hour.

Day 2

(Same as day 1)  

Starting day 2, you may begin to experience some withdrawal symptoms as your body begins to cleanse itself.  This, for most people, tends to be a rough day. This is known as the detoxification cycle. Most commonly, if you drink coffee, you will experience a headache.  For the best cleansing effect, stick it out, or drink your normal amount of coffee at half strength and your headache should go away.  Other symptoms may be a runny nose, aching joints etc.  In the past, every time you started a diet or changed your habits in any way , your body adjusted in some way, whether it was extra elimination, nervous energy, lightheadedness, fatigue, and so on — you just never knew what to call it before.  

Day 3

If you drink coffee, go back to your normal coffee drinking routine.  For breakfast eat a whole grain cereal with Soya Milk. (vanilla is my favorite) or a low fat bran muffin.  Instead of Twin Labs Colon Care for lunch eat a large salad and a non-creamed soup.  Eat your normal supper but have at least 2 servings of vegetables and takeColon Careiconwith pure fruit juice 1/2 hour before. (remember to eat sensibly)  As a snack at least  2 hours before retiring you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing.  

You should have eliminated many times by now and you should  feel lighter and “cleaned out.”   You may feel a little tired at first but you will find that you have a new found energy as you return to your regular routine.  


  •  You should be prepared to stay at home when following this program because you may need ready access to a bathroom. 

  •  If your stool becomes runny discontinueColon Careiconfollowing the next dose. 

  • Maintenance, takeColon Careicondaily or as needed.

General Colon Cleanse

Important: eliminate the use of dairy products.

Double your intake of vegetables. 

Cut in half the amount of meat.

For example: On a hamburger double the tomatoes and have a junior burger.  Use your imagination. 

Drink 8 to 10 Glasses of bottled or filtered water.

TakeColon Careicon1/2 hour before 2 meals/day with pure fruit juice.

For breakfast eat a whole grain cereal with Soya Milk. (vanilla is my favorite) or a low fat bran muffin. 

For Lunch and Dinner eat as normal but follow guide lines above. 

Eat Fruit, sip on fruit or vegetable juice between meals.  Eat as much fruit as you want but do not drink more than 6 ounces of fruit juice per hour.  

As a snack, at least  2 hours before retiring, you can have soup (non-creamed), fruit or vegetable salad. Use a non-fat dressing.  

You should see positive results in 2-3 days.  

Repeat as needed.

Follow-up your cleansing with an eating program to maintain and improve your health. 

For a select list of Fasting and Cleansing Products 

Click Here!

Save On Supplements

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further colon cleansing information. 

Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care…


Cleansing and maintenance program. This book will give you a new perspective on eating, lifestyle and health.  Very interesting,  informative: maybe even a little radical. 

More Info click here

Nature’s Secret 5-Day Fast & Cleanse

 CLICK HERE for more infoimage

Colon Cleansing  

Recipe for increased energy.

Our bodily systems are very much as they were in the stone ages but our eating habits are very different.  Today,  people are busy eating on the run and have terrible bowel habits.  Our diets are high fat, low fiber and lacking in moisture content.  Now you throw in some stress with little or no exercise and you have a stressed or dirty bowel.   Fecal matter can build up which in turn creates a fertile ground for the accumulation of toxins.  These toxins then can be reabsorbed to circulate via the blood and lymphatic system to all parts of the body. The result can include diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headaches, dull eyes, poor skin, spots, aching muscles, joint pains, and depression.  The colon is the focal point of your food processing system.  It must be running smoothly for you to function at your best.

FormerLong-Suffering Toxic Colon Victim Discovers The Shocking Truth About Colon Cleansing, And Reveals 100%, All – Natural, Safe And Discreet Methods To Regain Health, Vitality And Eliminate Dangerous Toxins Once And For All – Guaranteed…

  Click Here!

Diets & Diet Programs

Dr. Atkins Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet

The Caveman Diet / Paleolithic Diet

Cleansing Diets / Detoxifying Diets

Colon Cleansing  

Diet Food and Nutrition Tips

Diets & Diet Programs

Hollywood 48 Hour Miracle Diet

G. I.  Diet

Liquid Fasting Cleansing Diet  

Low Carb Cooking 

Living Well Program

Low Carb Diets

Nutrisystem Weight Management Program

Mediterranean Diet  

The South Beach Diet

Turn Off The Hunger Switch

Weight-loss and Diet Myths

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The Zone diet

Health Supplements


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Antioxidant Multivitamin

Best Multivitamin






Natural Vitamin E



Conditions and Diseases

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Help for the Thyroid

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  Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio

Omega- 3 Fatty Acids and Arthritis 

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Understanding the Glycemic Index


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The Negative Calorie Diet


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